Have some rare/unusual dice I don't need (one person's collecting is another person's hoarding, lol)...if you're interested, start up a trade window! can also sell, but i'd rather have cards.
6x d20 beatdown (lotus symbol) (2x black, 2x white, 1x green, 1x blue)
2x d20 betrayers of kamigawa (1x white, 1x blue)
5x d20 futuresight (2x white, 2x red, 1x green)
1x d20 tenth (white)
4x d20 ftv dragons
4x d20 ftv exiled
6x d20 ftv realms
2x d20 ftv twenty
7x d20 ftv annihilation
8x d20 ftv lore
1x d20 premium slivers
1x d20 premium fire & lightning
1x d6 oversized planechase anthology
2x d6 planechase (regular)
1x d20 planechase (orange)
20x d4 amonkhet (10x blue, 10x red)
will add photo(s) later
happy to look at lists!