5,734 W: Foil/Reg DRS H: Karakas among things

by shadowsmiles42

5,735 Looking for Remands!

by Marvin_Howard

5,736 W: Modern Deck Pieces

by majormogley

5,737 closed

by Almundjoy

5,743 H: Duals W: UWR Modern

by truechill

5,744 W: Mono G Devo - H: Std, Mdrn, EDH

by drgolovacroxby

5,745 Closed

by Andreas

5,746 W: JTMS

by zenzog

5,748 W:Urborg Apex Mentor H: Brimaz Tradelist

by 100000384911105

5,749 H: Foil Chord of Calling M15

by Almundjoy

5,751 W: EDH cards H: EDH cards

by F3n1x

5,754 W: Meddling Mage

by baller

5,757 [W] Scuttling Doom Engine

by dave0192

5,759 W: Promo Wurmcoil and Karn

by Mistbeaver