8,764 Cheap foils for sale!

by michigetne

8,765 Trade Closed.

by Syonide

8,771 Want Filters Have Tradelist

by bighappyblocker

8,773 have a pricing question

by jakehash

8,775 H: 4 Thoughtseize W: Wasteland

by WarLordUSA

8,776 Closed

by Charlesmartin

8,777 W:A few small cards

by CatacombSlug

8,778 Want 2x Abrupt Decay

by atomicashes

8,779 Selling LotV/Snapcaster/More

by dragonxx21 ( Pages 1 2 )

8,787 H: List W: GR Tron

by raticate_tail

8,788 Looking to make some trades!

by woodmster123