Topic: Getting into EDH need help!

Im trying to sell off all of my cards to create my sen triplets deck.

Not sure if I post cards hear or you guys can link back to my profile?

I have alot of good shocklands for trade, looking for bulk trades.

3x overgrown tomb 3x blood crypt 3x stomping ground 3x rootbound craig 3x dragonskull summit
2x rakdos's return 2x dreadbore 2x abrupt decay 2x garruk relentless 3x burning-tree emissary. Are the good ones. Also a foil alternate art Dreg Mangler from the Ravnica Holiday Gift box. I dont have much cash to spend, im heavily relying on trades to  complete my deck.

Not sure if I list all the cards I need for my Commander deck or no. Would really appreciate you guys giving me a hand. Really love playing EDH its a great  format, but Ive been borrowing friends decks.

Would love to get alot of trades going soon smile heres a link for my deck if you need.

Re: Getting into EDH need help!

Zipped you a trade, have a lot of what you need.

Re: Getting into EDH need help!

check out my tradelist. i should have quite a bit you need.

Re: Getting into EDH need help!

I have a few things you're looking for, start up a trade, interested in some of your shocks.