Topic: Trade Searching

I believe I saw this posted not that long ago, but I would like to add my voice as well.

Trading on deckbox has so far been a great experience. However, there are some ways it can be improved.

The filter options below would be superb

  • Specific Cards

  • equal value trade

  • player activity level by date

  • PLayer country/area

  • on/off options for exact match for wishlist criteria (foil, promo, version, set)

Re: Trade Searching

And in addition to where, whether or not they do local/mail/worldwide etc...

Re: Trade Searching

Yep, we promised this a while back and kept delaying it. But it IS coming. SOON! smile

Re: Trade Searching

sebi wrote:

Yep, we promised this a while back and kept delaying it. But it IS coming. SOON! smile

How soon is soon? Next week? Next Month (which is technically next week tongue)? Next Year?

This has been the thing keeping me from being on this site for a while and trading via PucaTrade =\