Topic: [W] Noble Hierarch, modern NAYA, burn [H] Kiki, foil breeding pool,ect

Main wants:
2x Noble Hierarch
4x Goblin Guide
more stuff on want list

Notable Haves:
Kiki-Jiki (MM)
Doubling Season (MM)
FOIL Breeding Pool
FOIL Academy Ruins
FOIL Pact of Negotiation

Take a look at my lists

Re: [W] Noble Hierarch, modern NAYA, burn [H] Kiki, foil breeding pool,ect

Would you be interested in a foil Flame Rift?

Profile | Tradelist | Wishlist
I'll sometimes trade things in my Inventory. It doesn't hurt to ask.

Re: [W] Noble Hierarch, modern NAYA, burn [H] Kiki, foil breeding pool,ect

I'm not a huge fan of foiling out my deck, so I wouldn't go out of my way to get one.