Topic: Japanese Jayce vs Chandra Duel Deck

I picked up one of these the other day at a store. Is it worth keeping sealed in case the price goes up in a year or so? I'm sort of at a standstill with it.

If anyone has any input on this it'd be appreciated

Re: Japanese Jayce vs Chandra Duel Deck


Re: Japanese Jayce vs Chandra Duel Deck

To my knowledge, this one hasn't been going up, and probably won't for some time.

As I understand the only Duel box to have shot up in value was the Divine vs Demonic. While the overall power of the cards in that box were lower than Jace VS Chandra, it had a demonic tutor in it, and a really sweet new art on Akroma.

Even though the anime style art on the planeswalkers is pretty sweet, most people are content with the english versions they already have.

Maybe you want to hang onto it the way it is for now, but I wouldn't expect the price to go up until another couple years when supply of sealed boxes runs dry.

Personally, I've begun buying 2 of each box to either A) combine the best cards into one supercharged deck of each theme B) have the original decks that are well matched to teach people to play, and still have the cool alt arts to put in my edh decks, or C) use one while the other collects dust, and hopefully value.