Topic: [EDH] Horde of Notions [Opinions]

Hi folks!  Long time player, first time poster.  Thought I might break the ice by sitting in the hotseat and seeing what you all think about my personal EDH deck, Candarie's Horde of Notions.  This is the deck I run locally for casual, fun, multiplayer games.

Big thanks to sebi & TyWoo for the guidelines post!  Several things in there that I wouldn't have thought to ask and by extension, wouldn't have thought posting a deck was worth risking flamage for.  Thank you!

Running em down real quick:

  • This is a fun deck played in a casual multiplayer environment.  My opponents have solid, but homebrew decks.  Powerful cards are welcome, but cards priced $50+ rarely hit the table.  Guild fever is high right now and several Ravnica commanders frequent our tables.

  • Our format is normal EDH rules, no additional cards are banned.  However, myself and others deliberately neuter instant blowout or total lockout combos. (in this case: Melira, Gargadon, etc)

  • Winning is done by grinding out efficiency & recursion advantages and win games with constant creature pressure.

  • Early game we mana ramp, eat damage or chump as necessary.  Mid game we start green toolboxing (Survival of the Fittest, Birthing Pod, Fauna Shaman), putting creatures in the graveyard and on the board.  After a few rounds of this the white recursion (Karmic Guide, Reveillark, Sun Titan) shows up and the engine is at full steam.  As EDH games are a bit slower this is usually a few turns later than 4-5 but should be an accurate early/midgame

  • Budget: Max ~$25 per card.

With M14 & Theros coming up, it's time once again for a tune-up.  Since this is an icebreaker discussion more than anything, I'm open to any suggestions.  Is there any secret tech I might have overlooked?  Where would you make a few cuts for next seasons cards?

Looking forward to meeting & trading with you all!