Topic: H: VoR W: Misc Stuff/Shocks

I have a VoR that I'm trading off for the best offer I get on Shock Lands. Notably I'm looking for Blood Crypt (3), Overgrown Tomb (1) and Stomping Ground (1), so offers with those will take precedent. Willing to consider all Shock Land trades.

Other wants are
Abrupt Decay (3)
Dreadbore (3)
Slaughter Games (2)
Exava, Rakdos Blood Witch (2)

Note: I'm only trading the Voice of Resurgence for Shocks, not for these other things.

Re: H: VoR W: Misc Stuff/Shocks

I have all those shocks, would you like to set something up?

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eBay | TCGplayer

Re: H: VoR W: Misc Stuff/Shocks

Sure, shoot me a trade offer.

Re: H: VoR W: Misc Stuff/Shocks

Bump, offer still out there