Topic: H-Kalonian, New Garruk, Arcbound Ravager other M14 W-EDH

I am looking to finish out a large chunk of my kaalia EDH with the goodies I pulled from my m14 box. Please look at my Kaalia EDH list instead of my wishlist, as I am only interested in Kaalia things right now. If you have something that you think I might be interested in for my Kaalia deck but it isn't on my list, feel free to mention it.

EDIT - I'm getting a lot of offers for my Mutavault. It has been traded away. Sorry. sad

Last edited by Syonide (2013-07-22 19:57:32)

Re: H-Kalonian, New Garruk, Arcbound Ravager other M14 W-EDH

You have Grislebrand on there... he's banned in commander.

Re: H-Kalonian, New Garruk, Arcbound Ravager other M14 W-EDH

So it is. This is my first EDH deck, I didn't know cards were banned in commander, I thought it was basically just all house rules short of a few basic things that define the format. Thanks!

Re: H-Kalonian, New Garruk, Arcbound Ravager other M14 W-EDH

If your playgroup lets it go, then it's fine. EDH isn't a competitive format, so you may just get someone saying that that's a no no or something like that.

Re: H-Kalonian, New Garruk, Arcbound Ravager other M14 W-EDH then go to "Deck Construction"

It lists all cards banned for normal EDH. There is another Ban list for 1v1 play but (also called the French Ban list) but since its really a casual Format, its really up to your play group what you choose to "ban". In my experience Griselbrand is really only broken when used as a General not when hes part of the 99.

Re: H-Kalonian, New Garruk, Arcbound Ravager other M14 W-EDH

It's really because you can at the end of the turn before yours dump your 40 life into drawing a bunch of cards and getting your win condition. Which is very broken.

Re: H-Kalonian, New Garruk, Arcbound Ravager other M14 W-EDH

I know how it can be broken but like I said, in my experience with him, the only thing he really did was end up the turning the table on his caster which didnt end to will for him. Also part of the stipulation in keeping him off the ban list in my group is that your only allowed to do his "Draw 7" once each player turn, which while still powerful helps neuter him alittle but not be so broken. He fits really well in my Radkos, Lord of Riots Demon Tribal deck tongue

Last edited by Helios52 (2013-07-22 18:51:10)

Re: H-Kalonian, New Garruk, Arcbound Ravager other M14 W-EDH

Yeah I think my playgroup will be fine with him, as I didn't have any plans on using him to find cards and combo off, more so just to fill my hands with more demons angels and dragons whenever I hit 0 cards in hand. I can definitely see how something like T1 Entomb>T2 Reanimate>T3 combo off and win would be kind of silly.