Topic: Standard black/blue mill deck

Hello Guys big_smile

I've been playing Magic for a few months now, since I got the Dimir Dementia Intro Pack. I have improved this deck, and because I like milling I tried to keep it a mill deck.

I was wondering if you guys have any advice for improvements in my deck. It's located at

Because some friends of mine asked questions about why I put certain cards in this deck, I'll give a little explanation below about those cards.

Main deck:
Notion Thief - Multipe reasons. At first, it is a really good combo with Whispering Madness. Also, it keeps the enemy from drawing cards.
Pontiff of Blight - One of the problems I encoutered with this deck is that I had no way of gaining life. I used to have 2 Vampire Nighthawk in this deck, but that just didn't work out hmm

Laboratory Maniac - Combines really good with Notion Thief and Whispering Madness.
Mask of Avacyn - If I'm trying to win with the Notion Thief + Whispering Madness + Laboratory Maniac Combination, it would be a shame if my Laboratory Maniac would get burned.

Edit: I changed the deck I had when I opened this topic, the original deck is at

Last edited by Ugluk (2013-08-01 14:49:25)

Re: Standard black/blue mill deck

Well, why are you trying to improve it?  You going to FNMs?  Or just having trouble beating a buddies deck?

I would say this as a piece of advice from a long time player to a fairly new one. A lot of newer players get into mill decks because they look fun on the surface and they are, it's an interesting win condition and  even some control decks can employ it as a win con in a competitive environment (though not too much lately).  However, these decks usually have to rely on control to stabilize the game because as you said they usually don't have a lot of life gain to help them stabilize against agro or any deck that does damage really.  If you're not really attached to milling as a theme then I'd suggest going for a more reliable win condition.

as for improving the deck as is. These kinds of decks need to control the game to win.  You can't aggro your way to victory with hexproof and cipher, people will eventually catch on if they haven't already and run cards that just beat you.

Lands - 28 is a hair to much, you should be able to go down to 25-26 tops.  Get some shock lands (water Graves) and check lands, (drowned catacombs).  Also a couple nephalia drownyards are good.

Creatures - You have some synergy here with the creatures you picked, I might get a hold of one aetherling as an alternate win condition, just in case you can't mill them out.  Notion thief is okay, but in a deck where you want to mill them out, letting them draw is actually a good thing.  All your doing is buying them more time.   I get the combo with invisible stalker and cipher if it's working for you keep it.  But i'd suggest auger of bolas instead of the fog bank. he can dig for cards for you and still block a little.

Spells - I really feel you can ditch most of the other spells in the deck.  I'd like to see more control spells and less janky combo spells. get rid of the keyrune.

thought scour is a draw card you need to be running or at the least pilfered plans. Drawing is your lifeblood in a deck like this.   and not from notion thief.

Tutoring is just bad, it's basically paying 4 extra mana and doing almost nothing for a turn to play a spell from your deck.  Where as if you just had better drawing you could draw what you need.

take mindgrind down to 1 of, you only need it as a finisher, that's if you don't draw jace.

a jace architect of thought would help a lot against aggro and probably net you some more cards, Tammyio, moon sage is good in these decks too.

Get some more removal, and counters,  run a couple syncopates and/or dissipates.  It stops recursion effects like unburial or flashback from the yard. Get some doom blade in here.  Dimir charm is really good, it has a lot of different modes.

Other thoughts - really to combat the life gain problem, you need white in the deck.  White gives you access to so much stuff, supreme verdict, sphinx's revelation, blood baron, obzedat.

Re: Standard black/blue mill deck

Thanks for your feedback!

I tried to change it into a more control deck. A little problem for me is that my budget isn't that big, so I can't afford anything like shocklands or planeswalker, but maybe I'll get some in the future.