Topic: H: Foil Kiki, Pack Foil Ooze, Others W: Standard


Sphinx's Revelation
Mutavault x2
Regular Scavenging ooze (or the promo, whatever is cheaper)

Thanks for looking

Re: H: Foil Kiki, Pack Foil Ooze, Others W: Standard

I have 2 promo ooze and other stuff for your foil. Shoot me an offer

Re: H: Foil Kiki, Pack Foil Ooze, Others W: Standard

which foil?

Re: H: Foil Kiki, Pack Foil Ooze, Others W: Standard

Foil ooze

Re: H: Foil Kiki, Pack Foil Ooze, Others W: Standard

I have 3 of the foil promo oozes and 1 mutavault. I'm interested in your foil kiki. Is it from MMA?

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Re: H: Foil Kiki, Pack Foil Ooze, Others W: Standard

Bump - looking for sphinx's, snaps, mutavaults and oozes!

Kol - it is a foil MMA kiki, but you have none of the cards you mentioned listed in your trade list sad

Re: H: Foil Kiki, Pack Foil Ooze, Others W: Standard

Bump - w sphinx's revelations

Re: H: Foil Kiki, Pack Foil Ooze, Others W: Standard

interested in the foil kiki

Re: H: Foil Kiki, Pack Foil Ooze, Others W: Standard

trade sent