Topic: H: Voice of Resurgence, Steam Vents W: Shocks, Obzedat

I need some lands and cards for my R/B/W deck, and I'm willing to trade these cards for them! Voice of Resurgence x1 (39.84) + Steam Vents x1 (7.86)= $ 47.70

Cards I need! Blood Crypt x2 (13) + Obzedat, Ghost Council x2 (18.06) + Dreadbore x3 (8.76) = 39.82

I also accept Godless Shrine x2 (12.81) and Sacred Foundry x1 (11.01) as a substitute for any cards you might not have!

I would like to sell these cards as a set, because that way, you save $ 7.88! I'm only looking for these cards though.

Prices are the median prices from TCG Player.

Last edited by AllTheNamesHaveBeenTaken (2013-08-19 12:42:34)