Topic: My Mill build. Good or not so good?

Absorb Vis are mostly for the land-cycling.

Last edited by Pickled_Fetus (2013-08-29 21:30:38)

Re: My Mill build. Good or not so good?

Please comment.

My play-style is the normal 7 card rule.

I play casually with two other people.

Re: My Mill build. Good or not so good?

To clarify, he is saying that he is playing casually with friends, it is not designed for competitive play and, as such, has no format restrictions.

I'll take a look at the list in the next few days and can give you some input, but, on average, milling is a pretty bad strategy.  It makes your job at least 3x harder than normal, all while requiring you to use cards that don't directly affect the board.  That being said, you will want to design a control-style deck that has a lot of countermagic, board wipes (if possible), and removal.  If you can manage that AND still have room to put together a solid way to mill 40+ cards, then you might have something.  But, if you're in a multiplayer environment with more than one opponent, really, it's just not going to work.

Re: My Mill build. Good or not so good?

TyWooOneTime wrote:

To clarify, he is saying that he is playing casually with friends, it is not designed for competitive play and, as such, has no format restrictions.

I'll take a look at the list in the next few days and can give you some input, but, on average, milling is a pretty bad strategy.  It makes your job at least 3x harder than normal, all while requiring you to use cards that don't directly affect the board.  That being said, you will want to design a control-style deck that has a lot of countermagic, board wipes (if possible), and removal.  If you can manage that AND still have room to put together a solid way to mill 40+ cards, then you might have something.  But, if you're in a multiplayer environment with more than one opponent, really, it's just not going to work.

Ok I messed around with it a lot in order to add some counter spell and creature destroying. I can't wipe all creatures because as you will see a lot of my build is built around my creatures as well as my spells.

Re: My Mill build. Good or not so good?

Mill isn't so bad in a casual 1v1 setting as long as your friends don't wise up and start play graveyard based decks haha.