Topic: Golgari Dredge - Build help with my first constructed deck
Here it is:
The mission statement is to stall until I have mana up, cards dredged, and preferably Underworld Connections dropped, then start swinging with the Grave-Troll or sacing with Jarad and pushing them back onto the field whenever something goes amiss.
My thinking behind this:
In terms of creatures: Stinkweed Imp is an amazing deathtouch wall and pinger and Shambling Shell can trade with most creatures, buff something, then come right back (should I run more of him?). Reassembling Skeleton is a reassembling chump blocker and sac outlet for Sadistic Hypnotist to abuse (if you don't drop him alone and the game is going your way you can pretty much clear your opponent's hand away in one pop with this guy, love him).
The Deathright Shaman, Lotleth Troll, Golgari Thug and Boneyard Wurm are a bit harder to justify running...
In terms of spells: Darkblast is great removal utility, you can burn -2/-2 a turn by casting it during upkeep (-3/-3 with Underworld Connections!). Increasing Savagery is there as an alternate win effect or to power a knockout punch with Jarad. Grisly Salvage is an amazing and cheap deck dredger that I think is underrated. Life from the Loam is amazing, I don't think I could hope to get the lands I need to power late game without it, hence four copies. Underworld Connections is also superb because it lets me dredge multiple times a turn. Abrupt Decay is should probably use it for trading.
I'm bad at land optimization, but I think this configuration should be fine.
I don't want to put down too much money for cards, so please don't suggest multiple copies of anything outside of the five dollar barrier (outside of Life from the Loam, which I think is just absolutely critical in a dredge deck).
I'm worried about the searchability of Underworld Connections; perhaps I should run Treasured Find?
Last edited by ResMar (2013-08-29 03:35:42)