Topic: H: FTV:20, Geist, 2xDeathrite, others. W: Fetches, cryptic, colonnades

The FTV:20 I have is currently sealed, but if I could get a good enough offer for specific cards in it, I will open it. The fetches I'm looking for are Scalding tarn and Arid Mesa.

Also I'm looking for good merfolk for a modern deck such as: Coralhelm Commander, Merrow Reejerey and cursecatcher.

Re: H: FTV:20, Geist, 2xDeathrite, others. W: Fetches, cryptic, colonnades

Id be interested in the Swords and Hymn if you do decide to crack the FTV smile

Re: H: FTV:20, Geist, 2xDeathrite, others. W: Fetches, cryptic, colonnades

What do you value the sealed Ftv at? I'd be interested in it at a reasonable price,  I have cryptics and some fetches available,  start up a trade if interested.