Topic: W: archangel of thune H: tradelsit

archangel of thune,  domri rade, sacred foundry please

Re: W: archangel of thune H: tradelsit

Hello! In the future could you please condense everything you're looking for into one thread? It helps keep the clutter and constant bumping to a minimum. Thanks!

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Re: W: archangel of thune H: tradelsit

UnstableFlux wrote:

Hello! In the future could you please condense everything you're looking for into one thread? It helps keep the clutter and constant bumping to a minimum. Thanks!

they are completely seperate types of traders im seeking out 1 is larger value cards and the other is small little things and i perfer to keep them 2 types of trade seperate so i posted seperate so no one would offer me an archangel and 20$ in dragons maze rares for a pile of 10$ cards

Re: W: archangel of thune H: tradelsit

You can do what a lot of people on here do and just create a trading thread with different sections, like mine. It really helps the community out by not having 1 person constantly bumping 2-4 separate posts, which in turn makes everyone else bump their posts because they fall off the first page. You could easily condense your two posts into something like:

I'm looking to trade my $5 and under (or whatever value you'd like) rares for other $xx and under rares to help me complete set cycles.

I'm also looking for Archangel of Thune,  Domri Rade,  and Sacred Foundry and have my entire tradelist open to get these.

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