Topic: naya ramp agro ?

the point mainly was i wanted to use kalonian hydras and domri rade ... by doing that it basicly turned its self into a strait agro deck with mana ramp and huge creatures if u have any ideas of things that will do better than what i have please help out .. a few little notes i run no mountains on purpose due to the fact all the red i need is hybrid mana or the 1 in domri rade i have farseek and 8 duals with red so the mana base is not really where im asking for help ... mainly looking for something better than akromas memorial, primal surge, maybe even reckoners could go for the right thing .

Re: naya ramp agro ?

Why run farseek in an aggro deck?  You're going to mana dork turn 1, turn 2 farseak into...?

What you want here imo is to just mana dork on turn 1 and hope to hit a decent 3 and 4 drop on turns 2 and 3.  Voice is good, but if your going for a big aggro deck I think you can do something else.  Domri, reckoner and smiter are pretty good 3 drops what your missing is a 4 drop to fill out your curve.  I'd lose the armada wurms for advent of the wurm. 

Also, are you planning on playing this deck for standard?  FNM or other tournaments?

Re: naya ramp agro ?

This isn't really striking me as an aggro build as much as you're going for something mid-rangey.

That being said, you really have two choices - go with the mid-range strategy and keep Farseek (but you're going to need removal or some life gain to survive very long) OR take it to an aggro build, at which point you NEED to lower the curve dramatically - as you're not really going to be pressuring the opponent in the early turns as currently constructed.

Think about how the solid aggro decks run.  It's incredibly common to have 6 power's worth of creatures on the board on turn 2.  Your deck, best case scenario could manage 5 power, one of them being a mana dork.  Not only does it require a PERFECT draw, but it will have it spread on two creatures, as opposed to the 3 for the more traditional aggro decks. 

Going Naya is fine, but I don't see you reliably being able to cast the Reckoners on T3... perhaps knock them down to 2-3x.  If you're aggro in these colors, where is Burning-Tree Emissary?  They give you the red mana you need for a T2 Domri if you manage a dork on T1.  No Elvish Mystics or Arbor Elf?  I'd also consider Voice to be more of a defensive card than an aggro one.  You could easily cut Rubblebelt Raiders as well.

As you're currently constructed I just see you being too split, especially considering the number of shocks you're going to be playing... but then again, I could be wrong.  I just don't see this performing consistently without the checklands.  Which raises the question, why aren't they in here?  You have several other cards that are rotating out... so why not them too for the time being?

Re: naya ramp agro ?

lol its probably just a bad deck and as theros comes out im pretty sure mono color will be pretty heavey and since im buying a case i might be going that way my self thank you for the tips