Topic: Request: Ability to navigate using page numbers

Some of us have huge trade lists and wishlists (my trade list is 73 pages long for example) and despite having a filtered search by name of the card, there are time times when we just want to get to a certain page.

For example I may be just browsing through someone's trade list  and do not know what I am looking for really so I can't type something into the filter box. I may have to leave and come back later and when I do, I have to start my search all over again from page one and click "Next" page after page after page.

We need the ability to start at say page 30 or page 52  or what ever page we want instead of just "First" or "Last" or "Next". It should be set up something like this forum is where I can click on a hyper linked page number and navigate through the pages.

I am actually very surprised that this isn't already implemented and I am also very surprised that people haven't been crying out for this type of feature. It's desperately needed in all the sections of the site (Trade List, Wish List, Inventory).

Any chance of this basic feature being implemented at any point? Please, please, please!


Re: Request: Ability to navigate using page numbers

I've navigated to specific pages on my tradelist before, but I did so through modifying the URL. For example, my tradelist URL appears as:

These both show page 2, so all I needed to do was change 'p=2' to 'p=50'. Perhaps this isn't something that's commonly known, but many sites have direct URLs that can be modified in this way.

Perhaps eventually this could be built into the deckbox application, but I don't see it as a particularly necessary tool.

Last edited by BetweenWalls (2013-09-16 23:50:54)