Topic: Request: Improve Remove Cards from wishlist/ Add to inventory

Every time I receive cards from a trade I get the window that asks me if I want to remove those cards from my wish list and add them to my inventory, which is great except for one problem.....

I do want to remove them from my wish list but I  DON"T want to add them to my inventory (I don't keep track of my inventory on this site or any other site... and I never will).

So I end up always having to say "no" to the option. Which essentially means that the tool for this is completely useless to me. I still end up having to go into my wishlist and removing the cards one by one. And since most of my trades are fairly large, this can take up quite a bit of time.

So my request it this.... can you separate the function into two different functions. First ask if we want to remove them from the wish list - yes or no.  Then ask if we want to add them to the inventory - yes or no.  That way we can actually use the feature instead of foregoing it every time.
