Topic: B/W Midrange

This is a decklist that I got from another forum, I edited a bit but I want to see anything else that can make it better. I don't really want to spend too much money in order to finish this deck, unless its completely core. Thanks for helping! smile

Last edited by Nexus418 (2013-09-24 03:13:14)

Re: B/W Midrange

You say you don't want to spend too much to finish the deck, and yet it's a $300 deck....

Everything looks alright.  I can't imagine you'd get taken out before the third turn... then again, a bit more early game might make some more sense.  I could see perhaps putting Sin Collector in the SB and slide in some cheaper stuff like Soldier of the Pantheon.  Aside from that, it looks fine... it's essentially goodcards.dek... so it's sort of hard to go wrong there.

Re: B/W Midrange

Sorry, by not spending too much money i meant by finishing it, i basically have everything except thoughtsiezes and the lifebanes. soldier of pantheon does seem like a good idea, but i dont know what to cut for it. As for sin collector, i have 3 mb, only sb him out against a heavy creature deck.i'll test soldier tonight in cockatrice, thanks for the help!

Re: B/W Midrange


Re: B/W Midrange

What's there to say?

OK, maybe I can try. The big question is what is this deck's natural enemy, and aside from the obvious "protection from black" it doesn't really have one except maybe itself. The transition from mid-game to end-game is possible, but it's tricky. The Alms Beast and Blood Baron in particular contradict each other: the Alms Beast's forced lifelink to the opponent prevents the Blood Baron's +6/+6 from occurring.

This is not quite negative synergy because one is an early game and the other is a late-game finisher, but to push yourself over the edge you probably need your Devour Flesh, and the chances of drawing it are not terribly great.

I'd playtest or sideboard a Diabolic Tutor. You will probably be able to play through end-game if you're aware of it, but against some decks you might need the extra help.

Re: B/W Midrange

Alms beast and blood baron are fine, what he needs to turn them on is erebous there's a decent discussion about this type of deck in the link below.

You'd want whip and other things that turn on the god for an extra beater, I like the idea of underworld connections instead of read the bones.  It's BB so is lifebain and the whip. Also, underworld is slightly less damage than than RTB which could be morelevent depending on how long it takes you to get your lifegain on board. … ter.html#! … e_for_scg/

Diabolic tutor is terrible advice.  You shouldn't not be trying to tutor in a standard legal deck. It's a huge tempo loss and should only be done if you have some sort of wacky combo strategy.  You woudl basically tutor and do nothing for a turn and gain no value.

Re: B/W Midrange

Alms beast is there to deal with Aggro decks, due to them producing mass amounts of 1/1, 2/2, 3/3 etc. I'd get rid of one of their creature, and they gain life, basically a pseudo Devour Flesh. It also picks up Desecration Demon's slack when against aggro decks since they have infinite sacrifices. I keep both Alms and Demon in Game 1 and vary them both based on the type of deck i'm playing. As for Blood Baron, He isn't necessarily in this deck for his +6/+6 flying ability, he is in here for the fact that he is pro W/B and has lifelink along with it. As elpablo said, I don't really think Diabolic Tutor is a good card for this deck, I would have to replace it with the cards I'd want to get, so I can search for the card I want.

Erebos Is a good option, but I don't really know if it is worth it or not. A 4 mana enchantment creature at 5/7 with a sign in blood, negates opponent's life gain, and indestructible isn't bad, but I'd prefer underworld connections than his draw ability. Plus, I rarely get to a stage where I have 5+ Black devotion, and simply put, i'd prefer to keep the slots open for Blood Baron's, Obzedat's, and etc, rather than for Erebos. Maybe if a brand new "Super Life Gain" Deck comes out that completely dominates, I can consider him for SB but other than that, he is pretty useless in my opinion.

Thanks for the advice guys, I really hope I can help make this deck top notch by the next FNM with your guy's help. smile

Re: B/W Midrange

Testing this version now:
-3 Lifebanes
-3 Sin collectors
-2 Whip
-1 Obzedat
-1 swamp
+4 Soldier of Pantheon
+4 Precinct Captain
+2 Spear of heliod
Let me know what you think! smile

Last edited by Nexus418 (2013-09-29 17:30:06)