Topic: Pierdut Salbatic

Seriously, I miss the guy sad

So cei care ati fost joi, va puteti uita va rog prin carti si daca gasiti un salbatic in plus pe acolo, please let me know.


Re: Pierdut Salbatic

Serios l-ai pierdut?

The awkward moment when you think a person from our community took it....


Re: Pierdut Salbatic

Ionut wrote:

Serios l-ai pierdut?

The awkward moment when you think a person from our community took it....


You make it sound so nasty. I'm not saying anyone took it on purpose. Intrebam doar daca din greseala l-a luat cineva.
E la fel de posibil sa-l fi scapat pe jos cand imi amestecam deck-ul si nu mi-am dat seama or any other scenario.
I trust you guys si de asta intreb. If nobody says they have it, then it means I dropped it somewhere.

So I'm not jumping to any conclusions smile

Re: Pierdut Salbatic

Hmm, privind retro, postul meu suna ceva de genu "ba, tu crezi ca cineva de la noi l-a furat? mad " and that was not intended. Accidente se intampla, sper doar ca nu a fost intentionata treaba.

Sper sa ti-l recuperezi.

Last edited by Ionut (2012-02-06 08:23:02)

Re: Pierdut Salbatic

Ionut wrote:

Hmm, privind retro, postul meu suna ceva de genu "ba, tu crezi ca cineva de la noi l-a furat? mad " and that was not intended. Accidente se intampla, sper doar ca nu a fost intentionata treaba.

Sper sa ti-l recuperezi.

Pai de aia zic ca suna putin nasty si nu asta era intentia mea smile
Thank you. Sper si eu.