Topic: recently modified enchancement

Forgive me if this has been raised. I combed through much of the previous posts before deciding to write a suggestion (plea) as something to consider.

The people I follow are often have a decked tagged as "user modified such and such." I am always curious to see what my friends are changing so that I can comment on their decks, but it's more often then not only a subtle change (say one or two cards out of 100 for an EDH deck). Thus, when I view the deck, unless I had it committed to memory before, I don't notice any changes. The same is true of my own decks. I modify them slightly at work only to come home and forget exactly what card I added and in what decks.

My point is I see lots of individual user and community value if modified changes in decks, say within the last 48hrs (to use an examble), were slightly different in colour, or highighted in some way. This would allow someone to clicked the "modified deck" notification and instantly see what has been changed.

Great site all and all, and constantly improving. I appreciate your(s) efforts.