Topic: Show value doesn't work properly

Hi guys,

Before I start with a complaint, I just have to say that deckbox is amazing. It helped me a lot organizing my cards and trading them with my friends.

So, that said, there's a little bug that I noticed when you choose the option "Show value" in the inventory or tradelist.

It doesn't take in consideration the quantity of your cards, for example, if you have only a card that costs $20 in your tradelist, the value will be like that:

"Total value of cards in this set: $20.0"

Then, you add another copy of that card, and the value will not change.

That's it, thanks in advance.

Re: Show value doesn't work properly

Try reloading the page, by clickign on the inventory tab on the left again. The Show Value function doesn't seem to work in real time, only showing the value of the cards when the database is loaded up.

Does that seem to fix the problem, or is it somethign else?

Re: Show value doesn't work properly

Thanks dude, it was exactly that.