Topic: Possible deck-building additions

Just a couple of thoughts I had while messing with the deck builder on-site.

1. It could be nice to have a way to flag a deck in your list as active/current or something along these lines in order to indicate it is actually physically built, and not just an archived deck list for reference. This being an option directly ties in with #2.

2. Assuming #1 was possible, decks flagged as active would reflect the cards as being "used" from your personal inventory. This would help when building a new deck, so even though you may have 6 copies of a card, you know 4 of them are already being used in a currently built deck. So, without looking through all your decks individually, you'd know that you either need to choose a different card, break up an existing deck, or acquire more copies of the card in question in order to put another 4 copies of that card in another deck.
