Topic: request: Wishlist Tool - Number of cards desired per edition

Essentially I would like to determine which booster pack would be most valuable to me, by determining how many cards per edition/set that I have on my wish list.

10 M14
7 Gatecrash

Re: request: Wishlist Tool - Number of cards desired per edition

I like that idea.

Right now you can sort your wishlist by expansion set, which works for those with small wish lists, but those of us with large wish lists (mine being currently at 97 pages and I am not even nearly done adding to it) this just doesn't work well.

I had earlier asked for a way to get from say page 1 to page 39 of my wish list with out having to click through 39 pages to get there (it would work much like the pages here on the forum) and I am still hoping that gets implemented one day. 

As it stands now if I want to find out how many I have left that I need for my Chronicles set and what the names of those cards are that I need, I have to click through page after page after page, after page , etc.... until I finally find where they are in my list.  Now that set is buried so far into the wish list that I wouldn't even know what page they are on.  And since I am still adding it's only going to get worse for me.