Topic: Incoquo Mana [W/R - Myr][Standard][Opinion]

Hello again deckbox.
I've been posting quite a few decks on the forum to ask for opinions.
And again, I'll be doing it ( >.< )

This is a pretty standard W/R Myr deck, but just to make sure that its actually viable and useful in terms of speed and damage output
Check it out : Here
Also, like any of my other decks (maybe exclude some). Its best to keep to cost as low as possible
Check out the sideboard for possible substitutes.


Last edited by Archylte (2012-02-22 09:51:55)

Re: Incoquo Mana [W/R - Myr][Standard][Opinion]

I have a friend with a deck just like this; it's very powerful once it gets moving and infinite mana with Myr Galvanizer is pretty awesome when it happens.  It's proven a pretty solid deck in multiplayer but is often too slow for 1v1 matches, at least in our group.

My only real suggestion for you would be to make room for 4x Tempered Steel as they are simply too good to ignore.  You could probably drop 2x Myr Turbines and 2x Myr Battlespheres for them.

Re: Incoquo Mana [W/R - Myr][Standard][Opinion]

What about thoes at the sideboard? Unwinding clock and mirrorworka seems to have some uses

Last edited by Archylte (2012-02-23 05:49:39)

Re: Incoquo Mana [W/R - Myr][Standard][Opinion]

This is just my personal opinion, but sideboarding is usually reserved for tournament play and this deck is not likely to do well at a tournament.  With that in mind I probably wouldn't bother with a sideboard.  If you are still planing on taking this to a tournament despite my opinion I still don't have great news for you.  Sideboarding is complex and based heavily on the tournament format and what decks you expect to play against.

To be fair, I will gladly offer sideboard suggestions if you list the decks you expect to play against and the format of the tournament you'll be attending.  Without that information I won't be of much help. sad