Topic: W: Revelations, Esper Lands, Jace AoT, H: Tradeilst, Cash

Looking to buy:
2+ Sphinx's Revelations
4 Watery Graves
4 Hallowed Fountains
4 Godless Shrine
4 Temple of Deceit
4 Temple of Silence
1+ Heroes Downfall
1+ Jace, Architect of Thought

Revelations and Shock Lands above all.

Have tradelist, or cash. Priced out it's about $225 total, so I'm looking for a deal if I buy in bulk everything.

Re: W: Revelations, Esper Lands, Jace AoT, H: Tradeilst, Cash


Bought a few, still looking for:

2x Hallowed Fountains (Trade or $18 shipped)

Also would like, but don't HAVE to have:
4x Watery Graves
4x Godless Shrine
4x Temple of Deceit
4x Temple of SIlence
1-2x Heroes Downfall.

No longer looking to buy Sphinx or Jace, still willing to trade.

Last edited by tyleisher (2013-10-27 16:12:49)