Topic: H: Large Amount of Commons

I have a large amount of commons, and I am willing to trade/sell them away for under their avg value. Send a trade even if you don't have anything from my wishlist. I am always adding more cards everyday.

Last edited by FearLegion (2013-11-01 23:26:56)

Re: H: Large Amount of Commons


Re: H: Large Amount of Commons

Just so you know, bulk commons are usually priced at a couple bucks per thousand. Your best bet is to go thru and strip out any that have any kind of real value at all, like read the bones, and try to get rid of them as playsets. Take the other couple thousand commons and donate them to some kids who don't mind playing with terrible cards.

Re: H: Large Amount of Commons

Otherwise, your LGS might buy them for 3-4 dollars per thousand.  Make sure you go through them very carefully though! However, in dollars/hour it's not really worth it. sad  I did it once and kicked myself for doing it once I realized I needed a couple of commons and had to go buy them later from the store.  I guess that's how they make a profit then though, right? smile

Re: H: Large Amount of Commons

well i am currently posting all the cards to view their prices because i have already found a couple cards that worth a few dollars. While im still checking them, some people may want them so might as well try getting the most for the cards.

Re: H: Large Amount of Commons

I would also suggest sorting them and putting your standard playsets in your trade binder. I recently did that because I draft weekly and have a ton of extra commons. People will occasionally be working on a deck and will be interested in them. You shouldn't expect to get anything insane, but it is a good way to get a little value out of them. Also you can craigslist them once you have a lot. I sold a couple boxes of bulk commons and uncommons to a couple of people that just played casually for $40 bucks. But yeah, due to cost of shipping it is hard to move them online. Good luck smile

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Re: H: Large Amount of Commons


Re: H: Large Amount of Commons

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Re: H: Large Amount of Commons


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Re: H: Large Amount of Commons
