Topic: Help With Modern White Weenie (Modern)

So i've been working on this white weenie build for quite a while! and i need help deciding a few things :c

A link To the Deck :

A few points have been crossing my mind!

    Is it worth it to keep the red so highly splashed? i could keep in the shocklands but remove the Mountains and Cavern of Souls then replace the Lightning Helix with Chained to the Rocks I'd be giving up life gain but gaining 4 more exiling spells. Opinions?

    I have a slot of 2 in this deck that I'm stumped to fill. So far the best i can think of to fill it are Boros Reckoner , Sublime Archangel , and Mirran Crusader but I can't decide which one would be best! Opinions please.

    This is my competitve build for modern i want this to win! like...really win so further insight on things i may have missed will be very appreciated, thanks in advance!

Last edited by VampireArmy (2013-10-30 05:23:05)

Re: Help With Modern White Weenie (Modern)

You've got lightning helix and serra ascendant's lifelink ability to gain life.  You're also running full fetches/shocks.  You're very unlikely to get over the 30 life to make serra ascendant actually good.  Sun titan costs too much if you're not cheating him out via windbrisk heights or reanimation effects, ranger of eos and aven mindcensor is a nonbo.  Anthem effects are generally not worth it so I'd cut honor of the pure too. 

Since we've lowered the curve a bit, I'd also cut some lands...

I'd cut:

3 serra ascendant
2 sun titan
4 honor of the pure
2 aven mindcensor
2 flagstones of troikar

and I'd add:
4 lightning bolt
4 champion of the parish
3 mirran crusader

lightning bolt is a great removal/reach spell.  Champion and mirran will both work with cavern (name: human) and champion will get triggers off all your creatures except the figure of destiny.  Mirran crusader can't be hit by abrupt decay or maelstrom pulse, will chump tarmogoyf all day long and with a SofI equipped the damage will add up REALLY fast (12 per combat step if the sword shocks are directed at a player, plus 2 cards!). 

If you want to play up the hate bear aspect, I'd mainboard the thalias, drop the rangers of eos, add leonin arbiters, aether vials, bring the mindcensors back and probably drop the 1 drops entirely in favor of more hatebears.

edit: I'm also not a huge fan of grand abolisher, he could probably be cut for something that is better in combat like elite inquisitor or a card that can get through blockers like soltari priest.

Last edited by THUNDERFLUSH (2013-10-30 15:02:39)

Re: Help With Modern White Weenie (Modern)

whoa this reply just made me realize the deck had changed a lot since i updated t and now i feel like a jack-ass! I'll ponder on those ideas though! let me make the changes then can you look again?

Edit: Nevermind it was pretty much the same. i'm going to playtest that configuration thank you!

Last edited by VampireArmy (2013-10-30 15:29:36)

Re: Help With Modern White Weenie (Modern)

Alot of people talk about a tweak on hatebears  to try and make white wheenies work. I'd look for more cards that disrupt your opponents more.

Judge's Familiar
Samurai of the Pale Curtain
Dryad Militant
Leonin Arbiter

And maybe consider swapping something else in for Honour. Honour is good but another creature that does alot for you might be better.

Re: Help With Modern White Weenie (Modern)

TRZ wrote:

Alot of people talk about a tweak on hatebears  to try and make white wheenies work. I'd look for more cards that disrupt your opponents more.

Judge's Familiar
Samurai of the Pale Curtain
Dryad Militant
Leonin Arbiter

And maybe consider swapping something else in for Honour. Honour is good but another creature that does alot for you might be better.

Yeah I'm a big fan of aggressive creatures that disrupt the opponent but Hatebears is a deck reserved for the wallet smash! haha but as for the others im running :

* Rest in peace in the SB which i find a little more reliable than the militant

* i would add the arbiter if i was going hatebears for sure

* Thalia sits in my SB because you're right, shes good

* Familiar lacks a bit in modern i think. it's a 1/1 counterspell but usually people will be able to pay the extra

* Samurai of the Pale Curtain seems pretty cool i just worry that he wouldnt get enough UNF ya know?

thanks for commenting!

Re: Help With Modern White Weenie (Modern)

Samurai is an all time MVP for me but my local meta seems to have lots of living End.

Arbiter is really cheap so I would look to run him either way big_smile