Topic: New to Online Trading but eager

Hey guys,

I'm new to online trading, but not new to trading cards.

I'm pretty laid back and will do my best to make something work.

97.5% of the time I play EDH the other 2.5% is pre-release events.

If you see anything you want to trade for let me know I have all my pricing on my profile related to grading because I know deckbox doesn't recalculate for condition. Open a new trade if you see something you like and we can go from there. I do have some expensive stuff on there that you may not want to trade with me because of new account/ low current rating but keep me in mind once people start to know me.

Me | Has | Wants

Re: New to Online Trading but eager

Started a trade up

Re: New to Online Trading but eager

I'm gonna have to make a spreadsheet because apparently Today I learned, Vesuva is the business and now I wish I bought more back in the day because like 5 people opened trade for that plus some stuff.

Re: New to Online Trading but eager

See a lot of small things I might want. I'll open up a trade once I get home

Re: New to Online Trading but eager

Sounds good I'm about to leave work and will look further into trades tonight!