Topic: Goats for Angels Deck (BW)

A deck I've been working on.  I like how it plays, but would like some feed back. 


Re: Goats for Angels Deck (BW)

So first off, you'll need to offer up a bit more information so that the people responding have an easier time helping you.

-What do you plan to use this deck for? FNM? Casual Magic? SCG Open events?

-What is your expected competition level? Is everyone playing top tier decks? Or will you mostly be seeing decks like your own?

-What is your budget? We need to know whether or not you can afford to put in a playset of archangel of thune before we suggest that you do so.


So assuming that you intend to  take this to a mildly competitive FNM, or similar event, and have a modest budget (I see 4 fiendslayers), I'd suggest making a couple of changes.

Festering Newt has been a favorite of mine from the second that it was spoiled. The combo potential that it has just feels like too much to pass up. However, in testing against the big name decks, no matter how I put the deck together, it seems to come up short. Because the witch cannot use its ability the second it hits the field, the deck is at least one full turn slower than other decks. That's just one card. If you plan on running this combo, I'd suggest a much heavier control package. Based on your colors, you have access to the Mono Black Removal package that seems to be doing pretty well so far. Things like Devour Flesh, Ultimate price, Doom Blade, these are all things you should consider running. Sure, the newts have the potential to give -4/-4, but you're going to have a fairly tough time targeting a Blood Baron with that, let alone any X/5 or greater creature. And trust me when I say that these big creatures are both very present, and very able to stomp you. Being in white, you also have access to a lot of good removal, namely Banisher priest. Sure, having a 1/1 flyer that gets you a life every turn (for the 3-4 turns that it'll survive) seems fun, it's not really going to be any benefit when Polukranos is ripping your flesh from your body.

Aside from the lack of proper removal, I feel that some numbers need to be addressed. It is my belief that 4 copies of Angelic accord is too many. This is mostly because you really only need 1 on the field to be successful. Having four means that you are pretty much bound to see 2-3 every game, and that's another 4 mana and another turn that you're spending to cast something that won't affect the board for at least a whole nother turn. I would use 2 here. I also believe that 2 copies of Sanguine bond is too many. I believe that 1 copy of sanguine bond is too many. This is a very tricky card that requires a lot to get it going. In this deck, you don't have the removal capacity to allow yourself to survive long enough against a RDW or white weenie to gain any benefit from sanguine bond.

If I were to make a Newt / Angel deck, this is what I would be doing.
Now, I realize that this deck is much more expensive than your current build, and im not saying that you need to stick to it, I'm just using it to give you an idea of what a deck that could work would look like. If the cards that I have pegged as not-great work out for you, by all means, stick to them, but this is coming from a rather competitive perspective. Hope that I was able to help a bit with this.

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