Topic: Need descent decklists

Anyone have any good decklists they've used for:

Legacy -

Modern -

Post links/lists! Thanks!

Profile Tradelist Wishlist

"The Constitution is the guide which I never will abandon." -George Washington

Re: Need descent decklists should have most of those smile

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Re: Need descent decklists


Profile Tradelist Wishlist

"The Constitution is the guide which I never will abandon." -George Washington

Re: Need descent decklists

I did quite well at GPDC.
Lost on variance

I only trade domestically, thanks!
Always trading for guru or judge foil lands.
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Re: Need descent decklists

nice, I gotta find wastes,  they're keeping me out of a lot of decks. I played belcher at GP DC. Went 5-8,  something like that,  but was my 2nd  legacy event, and I did worlds better.

Last edited by jkrause13 (2013-12-14 17:32:10)

Profile Tradelist Wishlist

"The Constitution is the guide which I never will abandon." -George Washington

Re: Need descent decklists

jkrause13 wrote:

I played belcher at GP DC. Went 5-8,

Interesting. If you weren't X-2 at the end of day one you were auto-dropped.

I only trade domestically, thanks!
Always trading for guru or judge foil lands.
Buying Thread | Reddit MTG Trade Thread | Tradelist | Wishlist

Re: Need descent decklists

I forget how many rounds per day. I know I won 5 and I lost a ton.   Miracles, I found,  is an annoying deck, I played it at least twice. I know I went win/loss 3x,  then won 2 for 5 wins total, I just don't remember if I lost any more than that.

Last edited by jkrause13 (2013-12-14 22:29:34)

Profile Tradelist Wishlist

"The Constitution is the guide which I never will abandon." -George Washington