Topic: Possible to include Edition / Detail Icons in Trading Opportunities?

Would it be possible to show the edition / foil icons on the trading opportunities pages? I'm after specific foils and editions and keep getting offered regular recent editions of the cards in my wishlist, even though I've filled out the individual card details.

Perhaps, I'm missing something.

Re: Possible to include Edition / Detail Icons in Trading Opportunities?

I too would love to see this feature, and have the listed prices reflect what edition/style the card is. I too list the edition, style and condition of my cards in my inventory, want list and trade list. It seems most people do not do this though and it defaults to the latest version of whatever card they put in. And I suppose since most people don't bother to input or don't know they can input this data they don't check for it on other people's cards.

I'm constantly asking people what edition thir cards are in trades, and asking for pictures when I can get them (But few do that). Even still I have gotten cards that are a different edition than what I specified in the trade but decided to just ignore the mistake so far.

Having this stuff listed in the trade window would definitely help. So too would the ability for DeckBox to easily host or link to outside photos in a way that encouraged traders to post pics if possible.


Re: Possible to include Edition / Detail Icons in Trading Opportunities?

This is already in the making. Should be done in next week's update!

Re: Possible to include Edition / Detail Icons in Trading Opportunities?


That is all.

Re: Possible to include Edition / Detail Icons in Trading Opportunities?

Hi, I found this topic in my search of the forums today. Has there been any traction on this update? I was looking through the trading opportunities section yesterday and found a trader with whom I could have started a very large trade. I'm glad I checked their profile, however, as they were looking for all foils only for those cards.

If you good folks at Deckbox still plan on adding edition and/or foil icons here, that would be a big help. Thank you very much!