Topic: W: Mono Blue

Hey guys!

I'm looking to finish up a mono blue-ish list, and I am in need of some of the bigger cards for it.

3- Thassa
4- Master of Waves
1- Cloudfin Raptor
1- Gainsay

Ive got a bunch of the standard staples for trade, so if you have any of these, just hit me up. Thanks!

Buying cards for store inventory, check my profile!

Re: W: Mono Blue

Bump - still looking for these

Buying cards for store inventory, check my profile!

Re: W: Mono Blue

What do you value your signed Temple of Mystery at ???? I can help with your mono blue needs. lmk if we can get something going


Re: W: Mono Blue

Discussion started

Buying cards for store inventory, check my profile!

Re: W: Mono Blue

Isn't gainsay an uncommon? I bet you could pick one of those up from your local game shop for less than a dollar.

Always looking for Unhinged/Unglued Full Art Lands. Trading out of Trades only currently


Re: W: Mono Blue

kmisterk wrote:

Isn't gainsay an uncommon? I bet you could pick one of those up from your local game shop for less than a dollar.

Yes, and cloudfin raptor is a common. Y not try to pick them up in a trade with the others?

Re: W: Mono Blue

My LGS doesn't sell singles, just sealed product.

And i'd much rather get these included in a trade than make a special trip to another shop just for them.

Buying cards for store inventory, check my profile!

Re: W: Mono Blue

DarrenM wrote:

And i'd much rather get these included in a trade than make a special trip to another shop just for them.

dont have any cloudfins, but I sent a trade request regarding the other cards you're interested in.

Always looking for Unhinged/Unglued Full Art Lands. Trading out of Trades only currently


Re: W: Mono Blue

Started a discussion!