Topic: [Standard] Junk Hexproof Suggestions/Improvements

Here's the decklist with current sideboard:

With the prevalence of all the different hate and spot removal available I thought one way to play around the meta-game would be to use hexproof or primarily hexproof creatures. 

The intent of this is to make many of the cards they are holding and drawing "bad" cards. 

Golgari Charm and Orzhov Charm help me protect or keep my investments against Supreme Verdict and if I have a solo-creature with enchants on it Orzhov Charm lets me keep all my cards against Verdict or Devour Flesh.  Not sure yet if there's good value there but it also can do other things that work with this deck as well. 

I think a lot of the time this deck will play somewhat like control and it will take practice to figure out the right tempo to play against different archetypes. 

The deck doesn't have any way to do burst damage, if I can't keep creatures on the board dealing consistent damage, preferably with lifelink, I'm going to be in trouble.  The singleton Pithing Needle in the SB is basically my only answer to Aetherling unless they get reckless and cast him without an extra blue available.  I'm sure there are more.

Pros: Decent removal suite. Draw via Underworld Connections which pairs well with the Lifelink from Gift or OrzhovaThoughtseize speaks for itself. 

What's missing that might be better than what is here? 
Ajani, Caller of the Pride might need to be in here somehow to help beef up our evasive but relatively small creatures.

Heliod, God of the Sun If we're investing so much into building our hexproof guys up and keeping them alive, it would be nice if they can play on offense and defense at the same time.  Also the capability of token generation helps protect us against Desecration Demon and Devour Flesh.  Not to mention that two Gift or Orzhova or one and the Spear of Heliod turn Heliod into a creature.

Sphere of Safety With enough enchants on the board this pretty much shuts down any creature based offense or at least forces them to tap out to attack. 

Indestructibility Why bother staying untapped all the time to "counter" Supreme Verdict when you can make it useless?

Anyway, would love to hear your thoughts on the deck or my assessment of it so far.


Re: [Standard] Junk Hexproof Suggestions/Improvements

Another place to go with the sideboard would be to add more creatures, assuming they're going to dump a bunch of their spot removal.

Re: [Standard] Junk Hexproof Suggestions/Improvements

So I see a few issues here....

The biggest problem I see here is that you're looking at a really slow game and, to be honest, your deck doesn't really have the stopping power that many of your opponents will in the late game.  You have a LOT of removal, which will work to your advantage (you're certainly in the right colors for it), but the biggest threat you can add to the field is Reaper of the Wilds (a solid card, don't get me wrong) while your opponents can easily drop more numerous and more threatening pieces. 

Second, you don't have enough pumps to really make the hexproof guys go the distance... Frank Lepore recently showcased a naya hexproof deck that, in many games, it came down to simply racing the opponent and with only the three copies of Gift of Orzhova to give lifelink and most of your pumps, well, it reduces the threat any of your guys pose.  Gladecover Scout becomes just a 1/1 that they can't kill easily... not much else.  You should probably drop a fair amount of your removal to add in more hexproof creatures AND more pumps.  I know Lepore claimed Boros Charm wasn't doing much for him, but the sheer swings from a double-strike, lifelink, flying guy were back-breaking for the opponent.

Third, you're leaving out some solid hexproof (or nearly hexproof) creatures from your list.  Fleecemane Lion is a cheap 3/3 that pressures the board but can become a real pain to deal with if made monstrous.  Blood Baron of Vizkopa isn't hexproof, but he's pretty darn close AND has some serious power behind him.  You could also consider Fiendslayer Paladin as an option.

Lastly, and this is not to sound overly negative (by all means give the deck a try), but hexproof really doesn't offer the same amount of protection as it used to.  The number of edict effects is at a relatively high level as compared to when the Bant Hexproof decks of pre-rotation were wrecking havoc.  Consider that Devour Flesh is almost a must have in most black decks and board wipes are still a thing, I don't know how well suited this really will be.

Anywhom, I don't want to be a naysayer, so by all means run with it, but I can see where there are plenty of areas where you'll want to tighten up the list.  Good luck!