Topic: H: High End Promos, staples N: Lands for Stoneblade

I have staples for most formats and a binder of promos of all sorts, just ask about a particular one and I'll let you know if I have it. I need the following lands for Stoneblade in legacy:

4x Underground Sea
4x Polluted Delta
4x Wasteland
3x Tundra
1x Karakas

I am not a huge stickler on condition since I am getting these to keep.

Re: H: High End Promos, staples N: Lands for Stoneblade

Any interest in buying an Underground Sea?

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Re: H: High End Promos, staples N: Lands for Stoneblade

I am looking to get a copy of each of the promo wastelands. If you have both I would be willing to part with some duals/fetches or pay cash. Let me know smile

I collect funny, epic, or unique flavor texts (foil if applicable)
Looking to purchase one player rewards and one judge foil Wasteland.
Tradelist | Wishist

Re: H: High End Promos, staples N: Lands for Stoneblade

i would be interested in purchasing an underground sea but i dont have that kind of money to spend right now right after the holidays, but if some kind of deal could be worked out i am all ears

Re: H: High End Promos, staples N: Lands for Stoneblade

also the wasteland is a Judge promo in mint condition, no wear or spots at all. Once i get the chance i can post some pictures of it