Topic: [Feature Request] (WoWTCG) Set number and EA marker.

I've just started toying with the site and I am thinking about making it my collection organizer.  I am a warcraft player and I have all my cards organized by set and number.  Ideally, if I am going to enter them, being able to seeing the inventory listed by set name and then card number would make entering very easy and accessible.

As I get more into the game, I am also getting EAs in my collection and probably would like to list those next to a trade/collection as well, since they fetch a higher price.

Re: [Feature Request] (WoWTCG) Set number and EA marker.

Both good ideas! Duly noted, I'll take a look at them this weekend.

Re: [Feature Request] (WoWTCG) Set number and EA marker.

Looking at the other databases (wowtcgdb, mws, lackey) I think lackeyccg is the only that has card number (as far as I can tell).  If you don't already have it coded in a field, using their data may make merging simple.

I do have a temporary work around (filter by set/type/faction) mostly puts it into the right order, so the number may not be a big deal at the moment, but I am sure it would help others.