Topic: Looking for U Tron stuff and shocks, have standard UW stuff and others

I’m looking for 1x oblivion stone, 3x spellskite, 1x tectonic edge, 1x solemn simulacrum, 4x mana leak, 2x trickbind, shock lands
Notable haves: 2x Elspeth, Sun’s Champion, 1x Jace, Architect of Thought, 2x Mutavault, 1x Jace, Memory Adept

Re: Looking for U Tron stuff and shocks, have standard UW stuff and others

Interested in the mutavaults. I have shocklands and some other stuff you mentioned on my tradelist. Let me know if we can work something out.

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Re: Looking for U Tron stuff and shocks, have standard UW stuff and others

Are you interested in both mutavaults? I'll take a look at your tradelist and get back to you.

Re: Looking for U Tron stuff and shocks, have standard UW stuff and others

DYGAD wrote:

Are you interested in both mutavaults? I'll take a look at your tradelist and get back to you.

I'd be interested in one or both.

Profile   |   Tradelist  |  Wishlist

Re: Looking for U Tron stuff and shocks, have standard UW stuff and others

You have plenty of stuff I'd be interested in for modern/EDH, so I think we could definitely make something work. I'm kind of busy today, but I'll post a trade this evening if that works for you. Also, I may not be able to mail out until monday, FYI.