Topic: H: Alot of modern W: Modern Jund cards

Notable Haves

*2 Scalding Tarn

*2 Noble Hierarch

*1 Elspeth knight errant

*1 Gilded drake

*1 Duel deck Akroma angel of wrath

*Playset Pormo vengevines

*Playset Promo gravecrawlers

*Alot more...


Dark confidant(MMA) is highest on my priority list

*Liliana of the Veil


*Verdant catacombs

*Promo Lingering souls


Last edited by voodooburst (2014-01-29 15:29:50)

Re: H: Alot of modern W: Modern Jund cards


Re: H: Alot of modern W: Modern Jund cards

Just curious what is a promo Akroma, I only can find the regular, timeshifted, and duel deck ones

Re: H: Alot of modern W: Modern Jund cards

I meant the duel deck one my bad.

Re: H: Alot of modern W: Modern Jund cards

No worries! I just really was hoping to see some crazy promo I've never seen!