Topic: Casual mono-black legacy

so, originally this deck was a sorta-kinda-maybe a black heroic/devotion with agent of the fates and gray merchant. and i REALLY enjoyed slapping the black ordeal on my one or two drops, swing and then slap a second and trigger both the ordeals, making them discard 4 cards. the deck was decent and it won its fair share of games, but there just felt like it was lacking something. so i decided to go the id-like-you-to-have-no-hand route. i wanted to be able to discard my opponents hand and at the same time be very aggressive with attacking. so i added rakdos cacklers. with unleash, the ordeal of erebos is nuts. especially if i turn one dark ritual into cackler with an ordeal. swinging for 3 power turn two, four if you slap a second ordeal, and if you do slap that second one, then turn two they are minus four cards. thats devastating. the deck has a lot of different interactions with dark ritual that i can use to change up how i play the deck to best suit my opponent. against control, the cackler/ordeal strategy is nice. against a more agrro deck, a dark rit into a vampire nighthawk stalls attacks and lets me establish more board presence or empty my opponents hand, which also would give me time to get a better board state. liliana and gray merchant are my win-cons (usually) using liliana to pump up a nighthawk can create a HUGE life swing and gray merchant can do the same, and is even better in a multiplayer game. also duress and hypnotic specter helps to thin out the hand even further, the duress taking out their counter/pump spell turn one, or hypnotic specter  randomly taking cards out. and dismember is just quality removal for pesky threats in my game environment, and if need be, i can pay 4 life and one mana because of the huge life swings this deck can produce.

as far as the environment this is going to see play in, it is usually just casual table-top magic. there are no real threats in my meta and this deck wasnt built to combat specific decks. its just solid and synergistic and i like it. i dont think it would do all that great in a competitive environment, but then again, i dont know too much about legacy.  let me know what you think. comments, suggestions, just nothing rude or obnoxious. keep in mind this is casual.

Have a good one smile