Topic: Really need help w/ mono red ramp!

i really could use suggestions on what else to put in this deck! im trying to perfect it and am having trouble. the notes on the deck go into further detail. thank you guys in advance!! smile

Re: Really need help w/ mono red ramp!

Have you playtested against other common Legacy archetypes?  What are you having trouble with?  What is happening that is bad?

As far as your early game and looking for 2-3 drops I'd recommend any RR or RRR creatures with haste and adding Nykthos, Shrine to Nyx to help with a consistent ramp factor.  Guys like Ash Zealot can put pressure on or at least draw their removal and hate while you setup to drop your bombs. 

None of your bombs have haste nor do they have a way to get haste leaves them open to sorcery speed wipes and removal.  Which in terms of card advantage is a two for 1.  You cast geosurge to cast Balefire, then pass turn.  Doomblade is a two for one, possibly on your turn.  That's a problem.

Re: Really need help w/ mono red ramp!

This is mainly just a casual deck, and isnt competative. (Guess i shouldve mentioned that) the deck is just for kitchen table magic and plays against a bunch of different deck types. The only real problem im having is making something of the first three turns. Which gives my opponents time to set up. And this is currently a budget build. I would like to replace the ancient hellkites with some thundermaws but im not in a position to afford them. That will come eventually though. Do you think things like ball lightning and the like would be good for early game?? Thanks for the input btw.

Re: Really need help w/ mono red ramp!

Frostburn Weird seems like a card that would help a lot here. It's a 1/4 for 2 mana that can turn into a 4/1 and inbetween. With that body it can both stall and kill.

One thing that slightly saddens me is the lack of any 3-drop cards, especially since you're running Pyretic Ritual.
But on both that front and the mana-ramp front, Grinning Ignus comes to mind. Good card, check it out.

Both these cards are inexpensive commons.

Re: Really need help w/ mono red ramp!

Thanks for the input smile and ill be sure to playtest those. And i agree about the 3 drop situation. I just havent found a three drop that i REALLY liked. Just super aggressive. Maybe chandra's phoenix??