Topic: Automatic Deck Build?

I'll be posting a listing of all my magic cards on Deckbox soon I hope.  I was wondering if there's an app of some kind that could see the inventory of my cards and automatically build a deck for me?  I have so many unused cards and I'm not very good at building complex decks.

I really hope once all my cards are posted, someone can give me a hand with a deck or maybe that app exists somewhere?? (wishful thinking on my part) smile


Re: Automatic Deck Build?

There isn't really any sort of app of that nature out there.  Further, deckbuilding is half the fun of the game... it's an opportunity to be creative or even a bit wacky.  Just identify the format, a color, a few cards, anything and build around that.  You'll be amazed how quickly you can put something together... then try it out, does it work?  If so, cool.  If not, why not?  Then try to improve it.  Were you able to fix it?  Etc... etc...

I can honestly say I don't know anyone on here will go to the time to just outright build a deck for you, but if you come up with one we'll certainly give you some input.