Topic: Elves & Angels Legacy

So I know I've posted a couple topics already and within a couple days, but I really want to know what people think. I looked at a few Angel Legacy decks on Top 8 and decided to try and combine bits and pieces, eventually I narrowed it down to G/W and then I decided I was going to try and add in Elves. <-- decklist.

I'm trying to make it so the Elves help mana ramp into Big angels but I want littler things and so on as fodder until those big things (Like Avacyn, Angel of Hope can come out,) as with the other two decks I've posted here, any help and suggestions are welcome, just don't be rude about it. I think it's a nice enough deck as it is and a nice idea, but I still feel like there's something missing. Maybe some giant nasty creature I should be trying to ramp into other than Avacyn, Sigarda, Host of Herons and Gabriel Angelfire? Like maybe Primordial Hydra or a Giant Adephage?

Re: Elves & Angels Legacy

My experience is that this deck will be to slow for most Legacy Tournaments.  Now if it's for casual play I think it will be fine.

What I'm not sure about is the cataclysm. Your deck is pretty resource intensive, I don't think you want to wipe the board.

Last edited by Talus21 (2014-03-18 21:16:44)

Re: Elves & Angels Legacy

The cataclysms are in there mostly in case my opponent has a better board state than I do and also as a slight control element. Plus if I keep Eternal Witness on standby to get back something I needed that got wiped with Cataclysm or Wrath of God as well as with Sword of Light and Shadow as well as find a way to make my stuff indestructible, if only for the turn I use the Cataclysm or Wrath of God, then it would allow me to win in some cases.

Re: Elves & Angels Legacy

Protection Doesnt Provide immunity to destruction based effects. It only prevents targetting and damage.

Otherwise pretty similar to above comment.

Re: Elves & Angels Legacy

TRZ wrote:

Protection Doesnt Provide immunity to destruction based effects. It only prevents targetting and damage.

Yea I know, that's the only problem. I don't know, still not entirely sure what I'm doing with this deck. The person who suggested I look into legacy decks, if only for the sake of play-testing his properly, said it might work okay, but I'm not sure. In theory it looks like it'll run okay, but nobody knows until its actually put to the test.