Topic: [AVR] Format Prerelease Avacyn Restored

Cu permisiunea gurului secund  (aka Rares) deschid acest topic pentru a lasa democratia sa isi spuna cuvantul.
Totusi, doar cei care participa la Prerelease pot sa isi expuna parerea cu privire la formatul in care se va tine evenimentul. Poll-ul va fi deschis pana maine seara.
Avem 2 optiuni, fiecare cu avantajele si dezavantajele aferente.
Va voi prezenta fiecare optiune succint, urmand ca mai apoi fiecare dintre voi sa voteze atat in poll-ul de mai sus cat si sa confirme pe pagina aceasta pentru a se putea face o numaratoare corecta a voturilor.

Optiunea 1.  5 runde + TOP 8 eliminatoriu
Aceasta optiune a fost folosita in Cluj pana la Prerelease New Phyrexia, inclusiv.

- cei care pierd in primele 1-2 runde pot reveni in forta daca castiga celelalte runde, astfel prinzand un loc in TOP 8 si participand la rundele eliminatorii. Avand in vedere natura unui eveniment ca si Prerelease-ul unde nimeni nu cunoaste cartile si sinergia dintre aceasta, pare plauzibil ca primele runde sa fie pierdute mai mult din cauza necunoasterii decat din cauza neatentiei
- Top 8 presupune ca cele mai bune deck-uri ale zilei sa fie puse in lumina mult mai bine decat daca concursul s-ar termina la sfarsitul rundelor normale.
- meciurile din Top 8, de regula, se joaca acordandu-se mult mai multa atentie. De asemenea, aceasta se vor termina obligatoriu in favoarea cuiva, neputand exista probleme legate de expirarea timpului.

- pentru participantii din Top 8, ziua de Magic va dura putin mai mult decat in mod normal. (6, 7 respectiv 8 runde pentru sferturi, semifinale si finala)
- faptul ca unii jucatori deschid adevarate bombe si ca efectul acestora va prevala peste concentrarea/agerimea jucatorului (acesta unul dintre motivele pentru care s-a renuntat la top 8)
- jucatorii pot face blat in runda a 5a, preferand un scor de egalitate pentru a accede impreuna in Top8.

Optiunea 2.    6 runde
Aceasta optiune este folosita in Cluj incepand cu Prerelease M12.

- toti jucatorii vor juca cele 6 runde
- cine castiga continuu, are sanse mici sa piarda unul din locurile 1-2

- interesul scazut al unor jucatori in ultimele runde, in special in cea de-a 6a, de unde si drop-uri multe inregistrate in competitii anterioare.
- orice pierdere in primele 2-3 runde iti scade vertiginos sansele sa ajungi in primele 5 locuri.
- deckurile castigatoare nu vor iesi cu adevarat in evidenta, neexistand o adevarata provocare pentru acestea, decat eventual in ultima runda.

Va anunt ca evenimentul incepe la 11.00 AM, astfel ne-am putea incadra cu Top 8 cu tot sa terminam pana in ora 20.00. Helvaultul se va deschide in orice caz la sfarsitul rundelor Swiss (5 sau 6, dupa caz), deci nimeni nu va rata aceasta parte a evenimentului.
In orice caz, va doresc multa bafta si distractie cat incape. Prerelease-uri sunt poate cele mai bune eventuri MTG la nivel modial, fiind primul contact cu un set complet nou si posibilitatea de a construi un deck dintr-un pool de aproximativ 90 de carti. Pe langa bombele castigatoare, sansele vor fi de asemenea de partea celor care fac cea mai buna selectie color-wise + removal.

Votul meu merge catre Optiunea 1. 5 runde + Top8, deoarece consider si voi considera intotdeauna Top8 o unealta buna pentru a motiva jucatorii. Este un lucru bun si faptul ca poti reveni dupa ce in una din primele runde ai pierdut.

Pentru cei care nu stiu exact cum sa construiasca un deck la un eveniment sealed, puteti citi urmatorul articol pentru a va face o idee.

You are going to open up six Avacyn Restored booster packs, from which you need to build a forty-card (minimum) deck.

It's the Prerelease, so you might feel an urge to play with every interesting card that you open, then add a bunch of lands and start shuffling.
Don't do that!

You should build a forty-card deck, as that will maximize the chances you draw the right lands and be able to find your best cards in a timely manner.

If you want to try playing with more of your cards, you can swap a bunch of things around while you're sideboarding. But you shouldn't just put them all into your main deck and hope things work out.

Play two colors or two colors with a light third-color splash.

It might be tempting to play all of your best cards in three—or even four—colors, but if you do that you're going to end up losing a lot of your games because of mana problems.

Are there exceptions to this rule? Definitely. But unless you have something like two copies of Abundant Growth and a Vessel of Endless Rest, you should do yourself a favor and stick to two colors.

Play 17–18 lands.

Even if you're playing an "aggressive deck" that's full of two- and three-mana creatures, it's probably going to be in your best interest to play seventeen lands.

Don't main deck any one-mana 1/1s, or 1/2s unless they do something extremely good for you.

Aggressive creatures, like Kruin Striker, can do fantastic things in Limited. If you have enough quick creatures backed up by pump spells like Joint Assault, dedicated creature removal spells like Pillar of Flame, or bounce spells such as Into the Void, you are frequently going to be able to swing to victory before your opponents can get much of anything started.
If you're playing any miracle cards, keep your hand and the first card you draw each turn completely separate from one another (until you know it isn't a miracle card).

If you have any miracle cards in your deck you need to be sure to keep your hand, and the first card you draw each turn, from touching each other until you've confirmed the card you're drawing doesn't have miracle (or that you don't want to cast it).
Even if you don't have any miracle cards in your deck, and you just want to trick your opponents into thinking you have a Terminus that will allow you to completely wipe the board, you should be careful to make a clear distinction between the card you are drawing and your hand.

Understanding soulbond

Whenever a creature with soulbond enters the battlefield, you can choose to pair it with another unpaired creature that you control.
But you don't have to pair it immediately. Because whenever any creature enters the battlefield, if you have any unpaired soulbond creatures you may pair one of them with your new creature.
If the creatures ever become unpaired, because one of them dies or leaves play (even momentarily), you will be able to pair your soulbond creature with the next creature that enters play.

When you're building your deck, and playing, this weekend, you should keep in mind that Cloudshift and Ghostly Flicker cause a creature to temporarily leave—and then re-enter—play. So if you have a Ghostly Flicker, you can pair any one of your soulbond creatures with any other creature you control at the drop of a hat.

Last edited by TudorGrigoroaia (2012-04-26 13:04:53)

Re: [AVR] Format Prerelease Avacyn Restored

6 runde

Re: [AVR] Format Prerelease Avacyn Restored

6 runde

Re: [AVR] Format Prerelease Avacyn Restored

6 runde

Re: [AVR] Format Prerelease Avacyn Restored

TudorGrigoroaia wrote:

Totusi, doar cei care participa la Prerelease pot sa isi expuna parerea cu privire la formatul in care se va tine evenimentul.

Deși sunt aproximativ 15% șanse să ajung sâmbătă la PreRelease, o să-mi exprim și eu votul, deci votul meu ar fi cam 15% dintr-un vot normal big_smile .

6 runde.

Re: [AVR] Format Prerelease Avacyn Restored

6 Runde

Re: [AVR] Format Prerelease Avacyn Restored

Cu un total de 9 - 2 (desi nu toti care au votat in poll au si semnat mai jos), declar inchis acest thread.

Se vor juca 6 runde !

Re: [AVR] Format Prerelease Avacyn Restored

Hello all,
am auzit, ca Ionut a prins un pool de numa si numa, mi-ar fi placut sa joc cu el,  si sa dau raspuns la Avacynul lui cu unul de al meu smile)))))

Anyway, am fost si eu la pre  aici in jermania, si mi-a iesit destul de bine: