Topic: Mono Red Aggro/Burn <-- decklist.

So, I managed to get in on a draft last night, and here's what i was using: 2 two-headed cerberus, 2 impetuous sunchaser, 2 fall of the hammer, 2 cyclops of one-eyed pass, 2 ill-tempered cyclops, 1 bolt of keranos, 2 ordeal of purphoros, 1 purphoros, god of the forge, 2 lightning strike, 1 rage of purphoros, 1 rise to the challenge, 1 spearpoint oread,  1 nyxborn rollicker, 1 satyr rambler, 1 magma jet, 1 portent of betrayal and 17 mountains.

What I want to know is what would make it better (other than Satyr Firedancers)? I'm already wanting to add 1 or 2 more Purphoros, God of the Forge and I'm thinking of taking out the Spearpoint Oread for Dragon Mantle or waiting to do that until i get the Satyr Firedancers.

I actually managed to place 5th with the draft list, mainly because my first 2 rounds were against people who were getting better draws and not so mana screwed, although at times, i was getting mana flooded and burn screwed.

Re: Mono Red Aggro/Burn

First off, I guess I'll be the buzzkill - draft decks almost NEVER translate into workable constructed lists.  With constructed you can simply go pick out the cards that are better and slide them in where you had to take lesser options in draft.  For instance, in your list you have Impetuous Sunchaser but if you're building burn, Young Pyromancer is clearly a better option at the two.  Two-headed Cerberus can be nasty in draft, but in constructed it really won't amount to much as it's essentially a three-mana 2/2 that, the second you go enchanting it, will get blown up - letting the opponent 2-for-1 you (typically a very bad thing).  Third, Fall of the Hammer is really best when you have larger creatures which, at the moment, you only have 1-power guys (without some help), making it a dead card in your hand a lot of the time.

If you're really wanting to go with burn, you certainly can but I would suggest you go look at the boros (W/R) burn decks that people are running to see if you can find some inspiration and insight into what is currently working.

Re: Mono Red Aggro/Burn

I would be using Young Pyromancer but I don't have any right now, but I am gonna be looking around to see if I can't get them in trade, and I'm also going to get a playset of Satyr Firedancer as well as a playset of Molten Birth and one or two more Purphoros, God of the Forge so it'd be easier to get him off top-decking and one of my friends also told me I should get Boros Reckoner as well, but those are expensive.

Re: Mono Red Aggro/Burn

You really want to stick to a burn strategy.  The three creatures you want are:

1) Young Pyromancer
2) Satyr Firedancer
3) Guttersnipe

Purphoros is cute and all, maybe something you put in as a 2x if you have Assemble the Legion in the list as well as something of a backup, but that's deviating from the plan.

The idea behind going Boros for it is because you get access to Warleader's Helix and Boros Charm - both are capable of doing four damage to the opponent, with the former actually helping against aggressive decks through the life-gain.