Topic: Trades and For Sale on top?


I really have to scroll through all the things attached to my wishlist before I see the decks my friends have been working and commenting on? 

Well that's too bad - I kind of enjoyed having a wishlist. 

Can I at least have the option of putting what I want to see on top?  It is almost like you are encouraging cash sales of cards instead of everything you have listed in the 'About' section of the homepage.

Re: Trades and For Sale on top?

rubishod wrote:

It is almost like you are encouraging cash sales of cards instead of everything you have listed in the 'About' section of the homepage.

Trades are above sales?

Re: Trades and For Sale on top?

Main deckbox page, not the forums.  All the recently changed decks and comments are buried beneath things on my wishlist that are available for sale, and things on my wishlist that are available for trade.

I really much more enjoyed the main page when these things were below the comments and deck updates.

Re: Trades and For Sale on top?

I have to agree that I don't like the new layout as much.   While I do like seeing the things for sale and have even used those links to make a purchase, I really liked the old layout and the emphasis of the section called 'bio' which is now not even visible on my own page, and stuffed to the side when visiting other's pages.