Topic: H: Melira Pod W: BUG Delver. LotV, FoW, Goyf, DRS

Hey guys, I know pricing is messed up but I still want to make some trades. I've decided to play UR Storm or UR Tempo in modern and am trying to put something together in Legacy. Granted I'm choosing a super expensive list, you have to start somewhere. I'm missing the fetches, VoR, and Chords from pod but aside from that, most of the deck is intact. It's available on my profile if you'd like to look, but you get the idea.

I know its a lot to ask for people to trade staples down, but I'm willing to add extra value to get this goin. I have a lot of other stuff I'd be willing to part with from inventory from full decks to singles. If you bring me closer to finishing this delver list, I'll strongly consider letting anything go. Let me know if we can work something out. Thanks guys.

Re: H: Melira Pod W: BUG Delver. LotV, FoW, Goyf, DRS

You would probably be better off just selling your Modern deck and using the cash to just buy the Legacy stuff. Just my 2c!

Re: H: Melira Pod W: BUG Delver. LotV, FoW, Goyf, DRS

You're peobably right. I just figured I could trade into the lilis and drs as they aren't ridiculously expensive. I figure the list I've got is like$ 340 and I might as well see what I can get for it. It might not be a bad idea to just do the math and sell the shell as I could probably actually sell the full thing as opposed to parting it out. 2c deposited.