Topic: Farshot, but looking to trade 4x Snapcaster for 4x Cavern of Souls

I have a playset of Snaps I've been holding on to, but Cavern is too good for my human's deck to pass up.

Re: Farshot, but looking to trade 4x Snapcaster for 4x Cavern of Souls

Zenthazar wrote:

I have a playset of Snaps I've been holding on to, but Cavern is too good for my human's deck to pass up.

You will probably get it by the end of this weekend, once everyone is finished cracking packs.

Re: Farshot, but looking to trade 4x Snapcaster for 4x Cavern of Souls

Here's to hoping. Now need 3x Cavern, and have 3x Snapcasters.

Last edited by Zenthazar (2012-05-05 07:49:12)