Topic: Ral Zarek's Army 3 (RU Revamped)

So I got my hands on a few good new cards for my Izzet deck, and I'm attempting to improve it over my old version. Without further ado,
The Remands and Electrolyzes are particularly useful since they'll help me not to run out of cards, Hidden Strings + Guttersnipe is an amazing combo and Goblin Electromancers will keep mana costs down. Leylines will help me bring out creatures as a fun surprise. The Sceptre should allow me to keep casting something like Burn (from Turn//Burn) ad infinitum, if I get lucky. I also improved my mana base with Steam Vents and Sulfur Falls.

Last edited by Kyremi (2014-05-03 18:01:07)

Re: Ral Zarek's Army 3 (RU Revamped)

it looks good. Nice improvement on your list.

Im not 100% on the leylines but they arent bad so I suppose thats down to personal preference.

I also think it could use some cheap instant speed draw effects. Telling Time Comes to mind. The idea being so you have something to stick on a scepter to help you in longer games. (Or Brainstorm depending on your preferred format!)

The new Improved Pillar of Flame but only to creatures could be a nice swap for shock, though it stops you from going for someone's face.

Likewise the new Satyr firedancer could be useful.

edit: also your link is busted. It had a period at the end of it which is buggering up the way the link works!

Last edited by TRZ (2014-05-03 01:28:01)

Re: Ral Zarek's Army 3 (RU Revamped)

I just played this exact deck for the first time today, and it is really quite fun. The game-breaker today was sticking a Remand onto an Isochron Sceptre, which until I discovered that was considering dropping (the sceptre, not Remand). Nothing like being able to constantly deny someone's action AND draw a card AND trigger Guttersnipe at the same time (since the Sceptre triggers the Instant therefore Guttersnipe). I had one game where I lucked out and got two sets of Isochron Remands, and the opponents weren't happy tongue

Thinking of ditching the Leylines though, as funky as they are they never really came into play. Being able to flash in lands is cool, but not really necessary? Unless I'm missing something?

Re: Ral Zarek's Army 3 (RU Revamped)

Leyline specifically lists "nonland" cards so you cant flash out lands otherwise it would be silly! Its useful in the long term if you play a really tight game to do stuff like only cast things at the end of their turn. It can keep them guessing for longer and make playing your scepter safer "Oh you tapped out for something I dont care about? Ok Scepter at end of turn" Then you untap and the scepter is ready and willing.